Thursday, April 11, 2013

@Sinvicta New Rising Star on Twitch!

 Some of you may have heard of Sinvicta through +husky starcraft (or @HuskyStarcraft on Twitter).
He currently does all the replay filtering for "Bronze League Heros", a new commentating series done by HuskyStarcraft.

This is not all Sinvicta is known for. He carries his own programming shown at from SS Radio Podcast  to Lawder, TWOL and more. I've had the chance to watch him live stream and catch a glance of the type of show he puts on.

What makes Sinvicta different from the other Twitch Casters out there is the way he interacts with his live stream chat room. He will answer or react to what is going on in the chat regardless if its on topic or not. While he does have his own rules while in his channel, he does not strictly enforce them and leaves nobody left out.

Like for example some Twitch Casters have moments of "subscriber chat only" where you might pay a 5$ monthly "donation" (when its actually a fee) and get a special icon to take part in that chat only.

He keeps it purely public with easy to get along with moderators and a great digital atmosphere that is very inviting. He recently got to do a interview with the creator of a fast becoming popular game called Super Amazing Wagon Adventure, Sparsevector. Below is a replay of live cast where Sinvicta interviews Sparsevector

With having the honor to being there live, my question got a answer and that is Sparsvector is considering porting the game over to Sony Mobile. Meaning the game would also become download for Vita. Right now there is no date for certain and no current plans for it but it is being considered.

If you have not had the chance to see Sinvicta live cast, I highly recommend it. If you love Day9 for his fun day Mondays and the study of meta game and if you like HuskyStarcraft commentating then you will love Sinvicta as well for his sense of humor at being a bronze level player at Starcraft II (when he actually is not) and enjoy the different games he does play with his viewers and is overall a interesting person to watch.

He also dose a very good job of responding to his followers on twitter @Sinvicta.

If you want to know when he goes live, be sure to follow his twitter at



Editors Edit on 4/12/13 at 3:28 PM PDT. Added Videos & Links.

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